Wednesday, 12 May 2010

The Fire Starter Sessions - Danielle LaPorte

I’m delighted to say that Danielle LaPorte has given me permission to reprint sections of her Fire Starter Sessions ebook that launched today and I've decided to take you along with me on the trip. Over the course of the next few of weeks I’ll pass on some of her nuggets of whitehot truth as we go through the book together!

For: People with a half-baked dream and no idea where to start; people with a plan; people with a business idea; people with entrepreneurial flair; people without entrepreneurial flair; you!

A direct, no nonsense ebook of instructions on how to get where you want to be in life, complete with videos, interviews and worksheets.

By pre-ordering I received a sneak preview chapter which has only made my wait for the complete thing even harder. I've flipped through the whole ebook and have set aside time later for a cup of tea, nice music and my trusty “Life-Changing Plans” notebook to really dig into it! Her workbook sections focus your plans and dreams into concrete “What I Need To Do To Get There” points and I like to devote time to it. Danielle has created an interactive experience that fills you with excitement at your own possibilities and a desire to run, not walk, towards your dreams. She tells you how to grab your future while still being true to yourself and others – no ruthless steamrolling over colleagues here! Nor is this a fluffy self-help book – no, this is a plan of action.

The Fire Starter Sessions: Spark Your Genius. Ingite Your Business. Make It Matter. from Danielle LaPorte on Vimeo.

I’m usually quite cautious about spending and I admit that the $150 for the Fire Starter Sessions did initially seem a bit high for me. But I’d already learned loads from Danielle and had been wishing for a one-on-one session with her ($500) so I let my excitement take over, justified the investment in “me” and grabbed the credit card! And I am so glad I did!

So, if you’re feeling you’d like to make the jump – go do it – you won’t be sorry! If you click on one of my links and buy through me then I get a percentage of the sale and you get the opportunity to become an affiliate yourself! As Danielle says, lets spread the fire and the coin!

(I have become a Fire Starter Sessions affiliate because Danielle beamed me up out of a rut I'd got stuck in and opened all the doors for me, because what she's doing fires me up and I want to spread the word and, of course, any coin this site generates is most welcome!)

See also:
Investing in Your Future "You"

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