Thursday, 29 July 2010

A Thing A Day

The results of my hoarding tendancies have been pushing me a little off-centre lately and I've been craving a less cluttered home. So, while I won't even attempt the ambitious task Bindu Wiles has set herself I did find this more manageable option via Susannah Conway - the A Thing A Day Challenge. And while I might not manage to get rid of one thing every single day, now that the intention is there I'm hoping for great things!

Thursday, 22 July 2010

Cresting a wave

I always feel that Thursday morning is like cresting the wave of the week. Sometimes being on the home straight is a miracle.
This week ~ I'd like more time.

Tuesday, 20 July 2010

Detective Work

I've been doing some detective work on the beginnings of my newly acquired antique tea set. After, a highly educational foray into the world of porcelain manufacturers and marks I was excited to discover that my beautiful tea set dates back to somewhere between 1917 and 1925. It will be very special to sip from cups with such history - although I'm almost afraid to use them in case I break them! Typical me!

Image credits:
China Marks (; St. Paul's Cathedral Library, London via annesenglandtrip07; Early 19th Century Magnifying Glass, The Gentlemans Library Sale at Bonhams via parishotelboutique

Saturday, 17 July 2010


Today I had a much needed Jane-Day. I'm often so amazed at how I can forget what little things I can do to relax, regain my equilibrium and lift my spirit. I had a leisurely morning, listening to music I've not listened to for years and generally pottering about. I decided to take my camera on a walk into town and to the antiques shop and along the river. I happened on another antiques fair on my way and fell in love with a beautiful china tea set and, so, had to make a quick trip home with my loot before continuing on my merry way. I bought a new little notebook for my handbag (yes, another one of these) and sat on a bench by the river and penned a few ideas and snapped some wildlife. Then I came home to delicious leftovers from last night's dinner party and now I'm enjoying my sun-drenched sitting room and imagining vintage tea parties with my new tea set.